Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateIn his 20s, Janni Yuval sailed across the Pacific. Today, his research focuses on using data-driven approaches to build better, ‘smarter’ climate models.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateAssociate Professor David McGee recounts his time with Wally Broecker, a climate science giant who passed away in February.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimatePostdoc Maike Sonnewald adapted a method that identifies areas of the global ocean with similar physics, revealing global dynamical regimes.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimatePAOC members illustrated the sweeter side of ocean modeling at the MIT Museum's 2019 Nautical Day.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateCarl Wunsch and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli recount their time with Walter Munk, one of the most respected oceanographers of the 21st century, who passed away this month at the age of 101.
Jessica Dabrowski | EAPS NewsMIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Jessica Dabrowski uses naturally-occurring radioactive isotopes to study climate change in the Arctic.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateEAPS Assistant Professor Brent Minchew has flown presidents and foreign dignitaries on Marine One. Today, he leads Glaciers at MIT, where he searches for clues on how ice sheets evolve and respond to changing climate.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateAs machine learning expands into climate modeling, EAPS Professor Paul O’Gorman answers what that looks like and why now.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateAli Ramadhan recently launched “Project Lovelace,” a website that helps scientists hone their programming skills with interactive problem sets.
Republic of Rwanda Ministry of EducationIn collaboration with MIT, Rwanda launches first African Air Quality and Climate Laboratory equipped to measure more than 50 gases that degrade the ozone layer and affect climate change.
School of ScienceProfessors Raffaele Ferrari and John Marshall, along with colleagues from Caltech, NASA's JPL, and the Naval Postgraduate School, envision a revolution in climate modeling using data assimilation and machine learning.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateThe recently renovated library, named for late MIT Professor Jule Charney, now offers a welcoming space for students to interact both socially and academically.
Oceanus MagazineSurface melting across Greenland’s mile-thick ice sheet has ramped up dramatically in the early 21st century, showing no signs of abating, according to new research published Dec. 5, 2018, in the journal Nature.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateMaryam Rashed Alshehhi, a visiting assistant professor from the United Arab Emirates, examines the Gulf region's most pressing environmental dilemmas.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateThis December, PAOC members will present a wide range of research at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and ClimateAn update on efforts led by Prof. Carl Wunsch to build a foundational framework for understanding the behavior of the entire ocean.
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate Studies show cloud variability during El Niño events could help better predict long-term climate change.
Answers in the Andes
Neil Murthy | Medill NewsChristine Chen examines ancient lakes in the Andes Mountains for clues to predict future climate change
Coming together on climate
Jessica Fujimori/Environmental Solutions InitiativeHackathon for Climate brings students, faculty, staff, and alumni together on climate change solutions.
Noelle Selin Receives AAAS Fellowship
EAPS NewsOnly days after the landmark COP21 Paris climate-change agreement, Professor Noelle Eckley Selin was announced as one of the first AAAS fellows of the Leshner Leadership Institute for Public Engagement with Science.
Cracking the Problem of River Growth
Jennifer Chu/MIT NewsEAPS researchers Prof. Dan Rothman and postdoc Yossi Cohen find that a similar principle predicts the growth of fractures and rivers.
A Fair and Ambitious Pledge? Not quite
MIT News/Jennifer ChuStudy from Solomon groups finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.
Messing with the monsoon
Mark Dwortzan | Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Study from Research Scientist Chien Wang finds man made aerosols can alter rainfall in the world’s most populous region.
Can Rain Clean the Atmosphere?
MIT News/Jennifer ChuNew study from the Cziczo lab explains how rain droplets attract aerosols out of the atmosphere.
Better Estimates of Worldwide Mercury Pollution
MIT News/Jennifer ChuMIT News features new findings from the Selin Group that show Asia produces twice as much mercury emissions as previously thought.
Podcast: What's the science behind climate change?
Jay London/MIT Alumni AssociationMIT faculty members including EAPS own Dan Cziczo and Kerry Emanuel discuss the history and science behind Earth’s warming climate, and whether anything can be done to mitigate a rising global temperature.
An Ocean of Opportunity
MIT News/Jennifer ChuMIT News profiled EAPS Associate Professor Mick Follows, who uses tiny marine microbes to model climate change.