Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT is a world-class educational institution. Teaching and research—with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle—continue to be its primary purpose. MIT is independent, coeducational, and privately endowed. Its five schools and one college encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers, laboratories, and programs whose work cuts across traditional departmental boundaries. more
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
The Department in which PAOC makes its home, EAPS encompasses elements of geology, geochemistry, geophysics, geobiology, atmospheric science, oceanography, astronomy, and planetary science and provides myriad opportunities members to cross traditional borders, leading to rich interdisciplinary collaborations and programs of study. more
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI is the world's largest private, nonprofit ocean research, engineering and education organization. All graduate students in the Physical and Chemical Oceanography Programs are by default members of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program.
The Center for Global Change Science
Founded in 1990, since 2006 the CGCS has been an independent center in the School of Science. The Center seeks to better understand the natural mechanisms in ocean, atmosphere and land systems that together control the Earth's climate, and to apply improved knowledge to problems of predicting climate changes. Utilizing theory, observations, and numerical models to investigate climate phenomena, researchers in CGCS explore the linkages among them, and their potential feedbacks in a changing climate. more
The Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Understanding the complex, long-term changes in our land, air, and water requires breakthroughs in measurement, modeling, and prediction. Responding to these changes requires innovative policies that comprehend agriculture, energy needs, trade and finance — along with the political and communications savvy to organize a genuinely global approach. The Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change is MIT's response to these research, analysis, and public education challenges. more
The main objective of the Lorenz Center, simply put, is both to attract the very best minds to climate science and to give them free reign to think creatively, unsaddled by the pressing practical demands of climate forecasting.