PAOC Spotlights

PAOC Heads to AGU

Sat December 1st, 2018
Kelsey Tsipis | Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate

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From December 10 to 14, thousands of scientists will descend on D.C. to hear about the latest discoveries in Earth and space science, present cutting-edge research, and make career-long connections. With 24,000 attendees and nearly 2,000 oral and poster sessions, the American Geophysical Union's Fall Meeting is without a doubt the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world.

And this year's meeting has promised to be a meeting of many "firsts." It is the first time the event is taking place in Washington D.C. The first time the conference has hosted a platform, named AGU’s Centennial, dedicated to improving ethics, diversity, and inclusion in the field. And the first look into the many dimensions of science’s impact on society and role in helping society to address challenges.

Amid all of this excitement, you’re not going to want to miss the wide range of research that PAOC members are bringing to the conference. From new work on modeling glaciers to metallic microstructures, here's your go-to guide to PAOC members’ AGU presentations. The full Fall Meeting program is searchable online.

Monday, December 10th

8:00-10:00 AM: Brian Zambri is convening an oral session on "Understanding the Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: From Plume Evolution to Climate and Societal Impacts I" (more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Gabi Serrato Marks and Fatima Husain will a poster on bridging the gap between scientific research and science journalism, titled "Learn Locally: Showcasing Local Scientific Research through Scientist-Science Writer Collaborations" (see more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Nick Lutsko is presenting a poster, titled "Increase in Precipitation Efficiency With Surface Warming in Radiative‐Convective Equilibrium," in the Progresses in Understanding Atmospheric Convection session on research he's been doing with Tim Cronin (read more information here)

8:25 AM: Prof. David McGee will give a talk on new/ongoing work to understand the hydrological history (wet/dry periods) of the southwestern U.S. over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles (~150,000 years) (more information here)

8:30 AM: Clara Maurel will present a talk on modeling the formation of the cloudy zone in iron and iron-rich meteorites to better constrain their paleointensity estimates (more information here)

8:50 AM: Harry Matchette-Downes will present a talk on seismological observations of the isostatic support of southwestern Tibet (more information here)

9:00 AM-12:20 PM: Hongjian Fang will present a poster, titled “Random Voronoi Cells Based Parsimonious Inversion: Methodology and Application to Global S wave Arrival Time Data” (more information here)

10:20 AM: Clara Maurel will present a iLightning poster titled “What have we learned from the paleomagnetism of iron meteorites?” (more information here)

10:20 AM: Aurélien Mordret will present a talk on investigating the early 21st century droughts in Central California using seismic interferometry (more information here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Chunfang Meng will present a poster titled “Obtaining Half Space Eshelby solution via Numerical Traction Cancellation” (see more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Brian Zambri is presenting a poster on "Understanding the Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: From Plume Evolution to Climate and Societal Impacts I" (more information here)

2:55-3:10 PM: Tristan Abbott will give a oral presentation, titled “How do Changes in Convective Dynamics Impact Tropical Precipitation Extremes in a Warming World?" (see more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Shujuan Mao will present a poster titled “A new wavelet-based approach to measure time- and frequency-dependent seismic velocity variations” (more info here)

Tuesday, December 11th

8:00-10:00 AM: Cailey Brown Condit will host a talk session titled "The Varied Roles of Aqueous Fluids near the Subduction Interface I" (more info here)

8:00-10:00 AM: Ed Boyle will present a poster titled "Temporal Evolution of Pb and Pb Isotope Sections in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, 1989-2014" (see more here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Maya Stokes will present on research conducted with Christine Chen and David McGee, titled "A Landsat-derived Record of Lake Area Fluctuations on the Altiplano-Puna Platea" (read more here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Tianyi Huang will present a poster titled “Is the chromium concentration profile in the Argentine Basin anomalous?” (read more here)

8:30-8:45 AM: Jian-Xiong Shengq will present a poster, titled "Comparative analysis of low-Earth orbit (TROPOMI) and geostationary (GeoCARB, GEO-CAPE) satellite instruments for constraining methane emissions on fine regional scales: application to the Southeast US" (more info here)

11:20-11:35 AM: Josimar Alves da Silva will give a talk titled “Revisiting the Classical Earthquake Experiment in the Rangely Oil Field, Colorado, 1970: Insights from Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Modeling” (more information here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Aarti Dwivedi will present a poster titled “Slow-slip events in Northern California with 8-month and 6-Year Periods” (see more here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Tom Beucler will present a poster titled "A budget for the size of convective self-aggregation" in the session A23K: Insights on Clouds, Convection, and Climate Sensitivity from Idealized Modeling Studies I Posters (more info here)

4:15-4:30 PM: Matej Pec will give an invited talk on deformation mechanisms at the base of the seismogenic layer (see more here)

Wednesday, December 12th

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Saied Mighani will present a poster titled “Surface Roughness and Fluid Viscosity Controls on Propagation of a Hydraulic Fracture Across a Frictional Interface" (more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Cailey Brown Condit will present a poster titled “The Varied Roles of Aqueous Fluids near the Subduction Interface II" (more info here)

9:15 AM: David McGee will give a talk on the history of North African climate over the last 240,000 years that provides a new perspective on some foundational records of African climate (more information here)

9:30-9:45 AM: Muge Komurcu is presenting an oral session, titled "Dynamical Downscaling Improves Climate Projections," on work she did with Prof. Kerry Emanuel as a visiting scientist last year

11:35-11:50 AM: Julie Jakoboski will present a talk titled “Estimates of Upwelling in the Vicinity of the Galápagos Archipelago from Glider Observations" (more info here)

11:35-11:50 AM: Cailey Brown Condit will give an invited talk titled "Fluid infiltration promotes both ductile and brittle deformation within the deep crust: Examples from Southwestern Montana and the Central Alps" (more info here)

11:50 AM-12:05 PM: Jonathan Lauderdale will give a talk titled "Is there 'just enough' iron in the ocean? Climatic effects of the iron-microbe feedback" (see more info here)

12:05-12:20 PM: Caue Borlina, Benjamin Weiss, Ed Lima, and Jahandar Ramezani will give a talk titled “Revisiting the Evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean Dynamo” (more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Chen Gu will present a poster titled “Slip Behaviors on an Artificial Fault Surface with Engraved Topography in a Laboratory Stick-Slip Experiment: Insights on the Roles of Fault Roughness in Spatial and Temporal Seismic Distribution” (more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Eric Beaucé will present a poster titled “New Insight Into the Seismicity of the Western Alps from Automated Analysis of Dense Linear Array Data” (more info here)

5:00-5:15 PM: Nick Lutsko is giving a talk on "Investigating Climate Models’ Internal Variability Using Frequency-Dependent Regressions" in the GC34C: Mechanisms of Low-Frequency Ocean–Atmosphere Variability and Implications for Earth’s Energy Budget session (more info here)

Thursday, December 13th

8:00-10:00 AM: Aurélien Mordret will host a talk session titled “Environmental Seismology: Using Geophysical Tools for Earth Surface Processes Research” (more info here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Maike Sonnewald will present a poster titled "Unsupervised Learning Reveals Geography of Global Ocean Dynamical Regions" (more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Santiago Benavides will present a poster on "Multiplicative noise and intermittency in bedload sediment transpor" (more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Brian Zambri will present a poster on "Volcanic Aerosol Control on Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Post-Pinatubo Era " (more information here)

11:50 AM-12:05 PM: Margaret Louise Duffy will host a session titled "The Dynamics of the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Present and Future Climates: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons II" (more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Ekaterina Bolotskaya will present a poster titled "Joint theory of friction and fracturing for earthquake rupture modelling" (more info here)

1:40-6:00 PM: Antonio Genova will present a poster titled "MRO Radio Science Occultations of Mars Lower Atmosphere" (more info here)

4:48 PM: John Brooks Biersteker and Hilke Schlichting will host a talk titled “Atmospheric Mass Loss Due to Giant Impacts: The Importance of the Thermal Component for H/He Envelopes”  in session P44A (more info here)

4:15-4:30 PM: Ruben Juanes will give an oral presentation titled "H44F-02 Wettability Control on Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: A Benchmark Study on Current Pore-Scale Modeling Approaches" (more info here)

4:45-5:00 PM: Ruben Juanes will also give a talk titled "Wettability Control on Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: A Benchmark Study on Current Pore-Scale Modeling Approaches" (more info here)

Friday, December 14th

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Meghan Jones will present a poster titled "Modeling submarine pyroclast dispersal using the distribution of giant pumice at Havre Volcano" (more information here)

8:00 AM-12:20 PM: Anne Willem Omta will present on the following: "The Geoscience LibreTexts library: An interactive learning platform for instructors and students" (more information here)

9:15-9:30 AM: Timothy Cronin is giving a talk on tropical cyclones, titled "Dry and Semi-Dry Tropical Cyclone" (more information here)

10:20-10:35 AM: Eva Golos will give a talk titled "Investigating the Role of Underplating and Mantle Plumes in the Midcontinent Rift Using Vp and Vp/Vs Tomography" (more information here)

10:35-10:50 AM: Raphael Rousseau-Rizzi will present a talk titled "An Evaluation of Hurricane Superintensity in Axisymmetric Numerical Models" (more information here)

2:40-3:00 PM: Aimé Fournier will present a talk titled "Nondimensionalization and Perturbation Analysis of Seismo-electromagnetic Governing Equations" (more information here)

4:15-4:30 PM: Hannah Mark will present a talk titled "T54B: Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Mantle: Characterizing the Lithosphere–Asthenosphere System from Crust to Transition Zone III" (more information here)

4:00-6:00 PM: Sukrit Ranjan and Daniel Koll are organizing a whole session at AGU on climate and habitability of rocky planets in the solar System and beyond (more information here)