EAPS offers minor programs in Atmospheres Oceans and Climate in addition to the S.B. degree.
There are 3 minor programs offered within EAPS:
In view of the increasingly dominant role of humanity in shaping the global environment, PAOC encourages all undergraduates to consider the study of Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate.
A minor degree in EAPS makes an excellent complement to Majors in Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Urban Studies, Ocean Engineering, Economics, Aero-Astro, or Applied Mathematics etc. Such combinations provide an excellent foundation for careers in applied science which touch on any area of Earth Science. Recent minors in PAOC have majored in Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics.
We also encourage students to double major in our department. Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering and Physics have been particularly interested in a double major in EAPS within the PAOC fields.
For further information contact Lodovica Illari by sending email to illari@mit.edu.
For general information about education in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science (EAPS) contact the EAPS Education Office at (617) 253-3380, send email to Ann Greaney-Williams, agreaney@mit.edu, or browse here.