PAOC faculty, students, and postdocs are frequently involved in public outreach activities in the Boston area. Whether it involves visiting local schools, giving presentations at local museums, participating in local public science events, or talking to the media, public outreach allows PAOC members to share the excitement of their research and to discuss how science impacts society at large.
January, 2017 |
Aerocene Soars at the 47th World Economic Forum. an art - scicence collaboartion between artistsTomás Saraceno and EAPS scientists, Lodovica Illari, Glenn Flierl, and research associate Bill McKenna, with the support of MIT CAST. |
April, 2016 |
The value of Community engagement with Climate Science. Oceans at MIT and EAPS participated in the Cambridge Science Festival, which brought some of the world’s premiere scientists and thinkers together with the greater Boston community. The 10-day festival culminated with its main attraction, MIT’s Open House. |
April 23, 2016 |
EAPS under the dome - On the occasion of the centennial of the Cambridge campus, MIT opened its doors for a free, day-long, campus wide open hose. PAOC participated with several activities: Oceans Alive, The Climate Detectives and Up in the Air with Aerocene. |
December, 2015 |
At COP21, Finding Hope for Climate - Lodovica Illari, Leila Kinney and Bill McKenna join Tomas Saraceno, visiting Artist at the MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology (CAST), to showcase the Aerocene project, where solar/IR ballons will fly high in the atmosphere carrying cutting-edge sensors capable of measuring atmospheric ozone and other chemicals. |
June 10, 2015 |
Weston Middle School visits PAOC again - Lodovica Illari, Glenn Flierl and John Marsahll entertained the students with demos on the iGlobe and rotating fluid experimentsin the Fluid Lab. |
April 23, 2015 |
Diving into Ocean Science - Oceans at MIT was thrilled to participate in the Cambridge Science Festival Ocean’s Day at the MIT Museum. |
May 29, 2014 |
Weston Middle School students visit PAOC - it was the largest school group (42 students + teachers) visiting PAOC. Lodovica Illari, Allison Wing, John Marshall and Glenn Fierl together with grad students Morgan O'Neill and Yavor Kostov entratained the group with fluid experiments and a visit to the Green Building roof. |
April, 2014 |
Spring is the season of Outreach - students and staff from PAOC entratained the public with a new phytoplankton display at two pubblic events held at the MIT Museum: Nautical Night and one day of the Cambridge Science festival. |
October 19-20, 2013 |
PAOC undergrads forecast for the Head of the Charles Regatta - a tradition since 2009. |
May 11, 2013 |
Earth Rotation Adding Extreme Weather? Vince Agard talks to The Weather Channel about the Weather in a Tank project. |
April 13th, 2013 |
Ocean@MIT and Weather in a Tank at the MIT Museum/Cambridge Science Festival |
November, 14-19, 2012 |
Saraceno: Conversations on Atmosphere - PAOC scientists talk with Tomas Saraceno, visiting artist at MIT |
May 7th, 2011 |
Science Carnival at the Cambridge Public Library/ Cambridge Science Festival |
April 30th, 2011 |
MIT 150 "Under the Dome"/ Cambridge Science Festival |
March 29, 2011 |
Women in Science and Math Conference, Algonquin Regional High School, Northboro. MA. |
February 9, 2011 |
"Telling Your Story Workshop" - EPS, Harvard |
March 8th, 2013 |
Oceans at MIT - Nautical Night at the MIT Museum |
August |
An Evening of Astrobiology @ MIT at the MIT Museum |
March 11th, 2011 |
Nautical Night at the MIT Museum |
October 17th, 2010 |
"From Trilobites to Extraterrestrials: Exploring Life on Earth and Beyond" - NHM, Harvard |
Click here for the Pre-2010 Archive
To find out more about Outreach@PAOC or to volunteer to participate contact (weather-in-a-tank) or NASA Astrobiology Education and Outreach Coordinator.