History of Houghton Lectures

Since Houghton Lectures were first organized in the fall of 1995, over 2 dozen scientists from all over the world and a wide range of different disciplines within the fields of Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate have visited and shared their expertise with our members. Below is a record of all those who have spent time with us in the Green Building.

Henry Houghton served for 25 years as Head of the Department of Meteorology (predecessor of what has become the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate).  

During that long period, the Department established an unsurpassed standard of excellence in these fields. On his death, Prof. Houghton left the bulk of his estate to the new Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences to establish the Henry Houghton Fund. Houghton Lectures are supported every year by the Fund.  

Outstanding scientists from around the world are invited to visit for periods ranging from a week to a semester. Typically, they have given short-courses ranging from 3 to 20 lectures on some topic of interest to students and faculty.  

Houghton Lecturer recommendations are welcome at all times. Contact Susan Solomon with your suggestions.


Spr., 2023

Dale Durran University of Washington

Spr., 2023

Raymond Pierrehumbert University of Oxford

Spr., 2022

Benjamin Santer UCLA Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science & Engineering

Fall, 2017

Stephen Belcher Met Office

Fall, 2016

Chris Bretherton Univ. of Washington

Fall, 2016

Corrine Le Quere Univ. of East Anglia

Fall, 2015

Trevor McDougall Univ. of New South Wales
Sum., 2015 William Randel NCAR
Spr., 2015 Arnold Gordon Lamont-Dorherty Earth Observatory
Fall. 2014 Gabriel Vecchi Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab
Spr., 2014 Bjorn Stevens Max Planck Inst.
Spr., 2013 Joe Lacasce University of Oslo, Norway
Spr., 2012 Leo Kadanoff University of Chicago
Fall, 2011 Susan Solomon CIRES/ Univ. Colorado, Boulder
Fall, 2010  Lance Bosart SUNY, Albany
Fall, 2010 Tapio Schneider Caltech
Sum., 2010 Marina Levy LOCEAN-IPSL, France
Spr., 2010  Peter Baines Univ. of Melbourne, Aus.
Spr., 2010 Ken Golden University of Utah
Spr., 2009  David Archer The University of Chicago
Spr., 2007 John Wettlaufer Yale University
Spr., 2006 Dale Durran University of Washington
Spr., 2004  Chris Garrett University of Victoria
Spr., 2004 Cecile Penland NOAA CIRES/CDC
Fall, 2003 Tim Palmer ECMWF
Fall, 2003 Suki Manabe GFDL
Fall, 2002 Nicolas Gruber UCLA
Spr., 2002 Thomas Stocker Bern, Switzerland
Spr., 2001 Jay McCreary IPRC/SOEST at U of Hawaii
Spr., 1999 Francisco Tablas Autonomy Univ. Spain
Spr., 1999 Howard Bluestein Univ. of Oklahoma
Fall, 1999 David Battisti U of Washington
Fall, 1999 Andy Majda Courant
Fall, 1998 Richard Goody Harvard
Fall, 1998 William Young Scripps Inst.
Spr., 1998 Claude Frankignoul LODYC, France
Fall 1997 Richard Goody Harvard
Spr., 1997 David Thomson Bell Labs
Spr., 1996 Robert Houze U. of Washington
Fall, 1996 Richard Goody Harvard
Fall, 1995 Richard Goody Harvard