PAOC Spotlights

The 2010 PAOC Retreat

Mon September 13th, 2010
Helen Hill

Around the beginning of each academic year, members of PAOC attend a weekend retreat for science, recreation, and relaxation.

Generously subsidized by the Houghton Fund, the retreat is free of charge to all faculty, post-docs and graduate students of PAOC. Guests are welcome, although there is a fee for any guest over the age of 12.The 2010 PAOC Retreat will be held at the Meadowmere Resort in Ogunquit, ME over the weekend of October 1st - 3rd, 2010. Registration by Friday, August 20th is free. Registration after August 20th is $150 per person. Cancellation after August 20th will incur a $150 per person fee. Guests and children over the age of 12 are $150.

The theme of the 2010 PAOC retreat is "Complexity and Controversy: Searching for a Theory of Climate" This year's speakers are: Dan Rothman (MIT, PAOC), Carl Wunsch (MIT, PAOC), Adam Sobel (Columbia University), Graeme Stephens (Colorado State University). In addition there will be presentations by PAOC Director Kerry Emanuel, as well as Helen Hill and Sai Ravela who will introduce the new PAOC website.

This year's Retreat Committee is: Morgan O'Neill (chair) Mike Byrne Dan Chavas Tim Cronin Anita Ganesan Malte Jansen Sebastien Marcq Marty Singh Alli Wing.


To contact the committee, email