Each year, the faculty, graduate students, post-docs and staff of MIT’s Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate (PAOC) begin with a retreat generously supported by the Houghton Fund. The 2003 PAOC Retreat took place at the Red Jacket Beach Resort in Yarmouth, MA over the weekend of September 19-21st.
During the PAOC Retreat, it's tradition for professors to give a talk on their area of expertise, followed by group discussion. This year, Alan Plumb, Scott Doney and Tom Haine addressed atmospheric and oceanic tracers in the first session on Saturday. In the second session on Sunday, Kerry Emanuel spoke about "A tropical thermostat", followed by Paola Rizzoli's comments on "Tropical oceanography." Rounding out the talks was George Philander's on "Coupled ocean-atmosphere system dynamics."
In order to help maintain connectivity and idea sharing, PAOC members were encouraged to give short, informal talks on their current research and areas of interest in a version of "Research Roundup." And between mentions of research interests, PAOC members got to know each other better, mingling during meals, social hour and the musicale.
PAOC thanks the Retreat Committee for all of their hard work in planning such a great event!
Look back through Retreat history: See photos from this and previous retreats on our PAOC and EAPS Flickr pages.