Each year the faculty, graduate students, post-docs and staff of MIT’s Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate (PAOC) begin with a retreat generously supported by the Houghton Fund. The 2001 PAOC Retreat took place in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire at the Golden Eagle over a September weekend, with about 100 people attending the event.
Over the course of the weekend, PAOC members participated in scintillating scientific discussion, punctuated by exciting outdoor activities.
Invited speakers addressed issues pertaining to the PAOC community through a series of talks and discussion. On Friday, Dick Lindzen introduced on the NRC Climate Report & the Science Advisory Process and then opened up the floor to the group. Saturday, John Marshall, Alan Plumb and Dan Schrag set the tone for the day, discussing “Oceans, Atmospheres and Climate Variability”. Kerry Emanuel, Ed Boyle and others helped to wrap up the day with presentations on their personal experiences in the sciences. The final day of the retreat opened with presentations by Ed Lorenz, Jim Hansen and Julian Sachs focused around the theme: “The Future of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Climate Science and the Role of PAOC.” Carl Wunsch moderated the following discussions on the “State of PAOC”.
Interspersed between the talks, PAOC members took in the sights and indulged in the local offerings. A guided hiking tour of the geology in the White Mountains with Kelin Whipple was a favorite! Other options included biking, tennis, canoeing and more.
Special thanks to the PAOC Retreat Committee for planning a lovely getaway. And see photos from this and previous retreats on our PAOC and EAPS Flickr pages!