PAOC Spotlights

PAOC Fall Course 12.951

Wed August 31st, 2011


12.951 - The Cryosphere in the Climate System, A reading course.

Petermann Glacier, Northwest Greenland, August 16, 2010, from NASA's EO-1 satelliteThis new course is intended to provide an introduction to basic concepts and state of research of cryospheric processes in the climate system. Phenomenological, theoretical, and modeling aspects will be covered. Two main blocks are planned, a first one focussing on sea ice, and a second one on polar ice sheets (with an additional session on extra-polar glaciers and ice caps). The class meets once a week for two hours. Each class will focus on a theme suggested in the syllabus. For each of these themes a list of background papers (and textbook chapters) will be provided, and for each session one (or several) student(s) will be assigned to lead through the session. In preparation, the students will meet with the instructor and members of his group as needed.


Instructor: Patrick Heimbach
Office: 54-1420

Class webpage

Meet: Thu., 3-5 P.M.  (room 54-1827)