PAOC Spotlights

New Year Award News

Thu January 4th, 2018
EAPS Communications Office

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In the Media

Starry_night_invites_to_go_out_and_look_to_the_stars.jpg (Med)The TRAPPIST team
In 2017 EAPS postdoc Julien de Wit was part of the team reporting the discovery of seven possibly life-friendly worlds orbiting TRAPPIST-1. Not surprisingly for such exciting news it was a top pick for the top stories lists at Science News and Space Magazine. De Wit joins the EAPS faculty in summer 2018.



Faculty & Senior Investigator Awards

DEntekhabi.jpg (Med)Dara Entekhabi
MIT's Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor 
was awarded the 2018 David and Lucille Atlas Remote Sensing Prize for "For scientific and technical leadership in providing remote sensing data and in their use to address basic questions in hydrological science."




Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 6.31.41 PM_0.png (Med)Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli
Professor of Physical Oceanography
was chosen to give the Rachel Carson Lecture at the Fall 2017 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. 






Rothman.Daniel.jpg (Med)Daniel Rothman
Professor of Geophysics, Co-Director of the Lorenz Center
Rothman's paper "Mathematical Expression of a Global Environmental Catastrophe" was a pick for the American Mathematical Society's Top Math Stories in the Media - 2017,'s The Top articles of 2017, and Blue Ocean Network's Top Ocean Stories of 2017.




solomon225_2.jpg (Med)Susan Solomon
Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies
was chosen to receive the Royal Society’s 2018 Bakerian Medal and give the Bakerian Lecture. 





Postdoctoral Award

Mackey.jpeg (Med)Tyler Mackay
Postdoctoral Fellow
has been awarded an Agouron Geobiology Postdoctoral Fellowship.








Researcher Award

index_9.jpg (Med)Anna Shaugnessy
ERL Executive Director
was awarded a lifetime membership in the Society for Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).






Student Awards

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Manuel Florez
Was honored by the Seismology Society of America for contributing one of the best student presentations at their 2017 Annual Meeting.






Alumnae Mentions

Nick Hawco PhD '17 has been awarded the 2017 Rossby Prize for Best Doctoral Dissertation in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences' Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate.

We couldn't help noticing how many of the new 2017 AGU fellows crossing the stage at the induction ceremony during the Fall Meeting had an EAPS connection. Special congratultions to:

  • Bonnie J. Burrati MS '74, now a planetary astronomer in the Division of Earth and Space Sciences at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
  • Alan D. Chave PhD '80, now Senior Scientist in the Deep Submergence Laboratory, the Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering at, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
  • Matthew J. Kohn BS '86, now a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Boise State University.
  • Steven W. Roecker PhD '81, now professor of earth and environmental sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  • Teng-fong Wong PhD '81, now professor and director of the Earth System Science Program at Chinese University of Hong Kong.