After an all-virtual conference last year, the 2021 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting will be a hybrid conference, allowing participants the opportunity to present either in-person in New Orleans, LA, or virtually, while also streaming plenty of talks and presentations online. The conference, which attracts scientists from around the world to discuss the latest in geoscience research, will take place from December 13-17. Plenty of representatives from MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) will be in attendance. Below is a schedule of some of the EAPS research being presented.
All times are listed in CST.
See the full schedule here.
08:25 - 08:30 Ashley Bellas, Effects of a Weak Lower Crust on the Flexure of Continental Lithosphere (T11D)
8:32 - 8:40 Aarti Dwivedi, Spatiotemporal Evolution of Slow-Slip in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (T11E)
8:45 - 8:50 Jared Bryan, Monitoring Velocity Changes Beneath Mount St. Helens During Slow Slip With Receiver Functions (V11B)
10:02 - 10:07 Meghana Ranganathan, An energetics perspective of ice deformation (C12B)
10:20 - 10:25 Susana Hoyos, An experimental study of magma-mush compaction (T12A)
13:22 - 13:29 Zhendong Zhang, Seismic Evidence for Hot Mantle Southeast of Hawaii (DI13A)
14:31 - 14:36 Björn Lütjens, Coastal Digital Twin: Learning a Fast and Physics-informed Surrogate Model for Coastal Floods Via Neural Operators (A14C)
Björn Lütjens, Matryoshka Neural Operators: Learning Fast PDE solvers with Limited Training Data (A15E)
Lyssa Freese, Social and Earth Systems Modeling using Green’s Functions: Air Quality, Climate and Energy Policy (GC15E)
Hilary Chang, Acoustic constraints on semi-brittle deformation of Carrara marble (T15A)
Daniel Ortega-Arroyo, A Closer Look into Slickensides: Deformation On and Under Fault Surfaces (T15E)
08:28 - 08:33 Qingyu Wang, What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency: cluster-based constraints on the attenuation structure of the Nankai plate interface (Japan) (S21B)
9:57 - 10:02 Ellen Lalk, Clumped methane isotopologue based temperatures reveal sources of methane in marine gas hydrates and associated vent gases (OS22A)
10:15 - 10:20 Greg Wagner, Chris Hill, Ali Ramadhan, Francis Poulin, Henry Guo, and Valentin Churavy, Fast, friendly, flexible, and fun ocean modeling on CPUs and GPUs in Julia with Oceananigans.jl (IN22A)
10:20 - 10:25 Paul Corlies, Modelling the Thermodynamical Evolution of Rivers on Titan (EP22B)
10:32 - 10:37 Fiona Clerc, Deglaciation-enhanced mantle CO2 fluxes at Yellowstone imply positive climate feedback (D122A)
12:55 - 13:00 Scott Wieman, Controls on clumped isotope composition of cold seep carbonates: implications for reconstructing the rate of anaerobic oxidation of methane (OS23A)
13:23 - 13:29 Constantin Arnscheidt, Asymmetry of extreme Cenozoic climate–carbon cycle events (PP23A)
13:27 - 13:34 Ishir Dutta, Exploring Deposition Observations as a Constraint on Emissions in the United States (A23D)
15:00 - 15:05 Megan Gillen, Examining shoreface disequilibrium morphodynamics and their influence on shoreline change (EP24A)
Benjamin Tiger, Reconstructing Glacial Indian Ocean Hydroclimate from a Madagascan Speleothem (PP25E)
Juliana Drozd, Regarding the Putative Diagenetic Origins for Neoproterozoic Sponge Steranes (PP25D)
Paula do Vale Pereira, Experimental Results and Model Validation of Melt Probes in Cryogenic Ice for the Exploration of Ocean Worlds (P25E)
08:08 - 08:13 Malcolm White, FastMapSVM: Classifying seismograms using FastMap and Support-Vector Machines (S31A)
8:13 - 8:21 Hongrui Qiu, Ambient noise-based monitoring of seismic wave velocity modulations at the CarbFix reinjection site, SW-Iceland (S31B)
08:58 - 9:03 Craig Martin, Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Multi-Stage India-Eurasia Collision (GP31A)
10:20 - 10:25 Hongrui Qiu, Temporal changes of seismic velocities at depth in the San Andreas fault zone associated with the 2004 Mw6 Parkfield earthquake from repeating earthquakes (S32B)
13:03 - 13:06 Björn Lütjens, Physically-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Visualizing Climate Impacts (IN33B) eLightning
13:06 - 13:14 Benjamin Uveges, Reconstructing Basin-Scale Nutrient Dynamics at the Dawn of Planetary Oxygenation: Insights from New Agouron Institute Drill Cores (PP33A)
14:52 - 14:57 Sean Chen, Constraining the Effects of Nepheloid Layers on 230Th-Normalization and 231Pa/230Th (PP34B)
Zoe Levitt, Paleomagnetic results from the 2.72-2.69 Ga Vermilion District of the Superior Craton, Minnesota (GP35D)
7:59 - 8:04 Patrick Beaudry, An experimental approach for studying sulfur in high pressure, oxidized and hydrous melts (V41A) Online Only
8:45 - 8:50 Susana Hoyos, Petrologic constraints on the occurrence of garnet-lherzolite melts in the mantle source under Loihi, Hawaii (V41C) (also sitting as a chair)
10:03 - 10:06 Erik Tamre, Wave propagation on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, quantified with remote sensing (C42B) eLightning
9:48 - 9:53 Hongrui Qiu, Seismic Imaging of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone From Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays (S42B)
12:51 - 12:57 Michael Weimer, Impact of Small-scale Gravity Waves on Chemistry (SA43B)
12:55 - 13:00 Tushar Mittal, Mayotte 2018-2021 Eruption likely sourced from a magmatic mush (V43A)
13:14 - 13:19 Cauê Borlina, Using SQUID Microscopy to Obtain High Resolution Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems (GP43A)
13:15 - 13:20 Scott Wieman, The Role of Hydrogen in Isotopic Fractionation and Atmospheric Composition During Photochemical Aerosol Formation in a Titan-Like Atmosphere (P43B)
13:15 - 13:20 Ashley Bellas, Reconciling Lithospheric Rheology Between Laboratory Experiments, Field Observations, and Different Tectonic Settings (MR43A)
14:40 - 14:45 Eli Mansbach, A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body to Understand Core Formation and Differentiation on Small Bodies (GP44A)
14:45 - 14:53 Emmanuel A. Codillo, Experimental Constraints on the Density Sorting and Mélange Melting in Subduction Zones (T44A)
14:50 - 14:55 Jay Shah, Paleomagnetic Evidence for an Intermittent Lunar Dynamo (GP44A)
14:53 - 14:58 Hilary Chang, Quantifying earthquake source parameter uncertainties associated with local site effects using a dense array (S44C)
14:55 - 15:00 Foteini Vervelidou, The early phase lunar magnetic field as recorded by Apollo 17 mare basalts (GP44A)
Faye Hendley Elgart, Inferring Ice Thickness in Grounding Zones from Tidal Flexure of Ice Shelves with ICESat-2 (C45F)
Christopher W. Kinsley, South American Trade Wind Changes over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle (PP45D)
Cauê Borlina, Paleomagnetism of Calcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions from CO chondrites (GP45E)
08:18 - 08:23 Ekaterina Bolotskaya, Understanding the seismic cycle with a simple poly-linear failure law in a 1D spring-slider model (S51C)
08:42 - 08:45 Enrico Milanese, Origins of Roughness Evolution and its Effects on the Slip Response of Rate-and-state Faults (S51D) eLightning
8:45-8:48 Yudong Sun, Propagation of Slow Slip Events on a Rough Fault (S51D) eLightning
12:55 - 13:00 Ellen Lalk, Lyssa Freese, Meghana Ranganathan, Mara Freilich, Julia Wilcots, Margaret Duffy, and Rohini Shivamoggi, Trends in the representation of women among US geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity (SY53A)
15:05 - 15:10 Lily Zhang, On the use of satellite observations to fill gaps in the Halley station total ozone record (A54C)
16:00 - 18:00
Michaela Fendrock, Modeling Iceberg Tracks and IRD Extents During Heinrich Events (PP55A)
Lily Zhang, Using Saildrone Observations to Understand Diurnal Variability in Arctic Sea Surface Temperature (GC55A)
Glenn Liu, Understanding the drivers of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using a stochastic model (GC55G)