MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences welcomes 26 new graduate students.
Three students join the Program in Geophysics, 13 join the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, four join the Program in Geology, Geochemistry and Geobiology, and three join the Program in Planetary Sciences.
Twelve new MIT-WHOI Joint Program students joined programs in EAPS. Of those, six are Chemical Oceanographers, three are MGGers (Marine Geology and Geochemistry), and three are Physical Oceanographers.
To Tristan, Marianne, Lydia, Patrick, Santiago, Makayla, Ekaterina, Caue, Henri, Aarti, Tajana, Samuel, Jennifer, Ziwei, Margaret, Sheron, Clara, Craig, Julia, Astrid, Rose, Mallory, Raphael, Paris, Jeehyun Welcome to EAPS! and to Elezhan: Welcome back!
thabbott [at] mit [dot] edu | Atmospheric Science | |
ackerm [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography | |
lydiaba [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography | |
Patrick Beaudry | pbeaudry [at] mit [dot] edu | Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology |
Santiago Benavides | santib [at] mit [dot] edu | Atmospheric Science |
Makayla Betts | mnbetts [at] mit [dot] edu | Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology |
Ekaterina Bolotskaya | bolee [at] mit [dot] edu | Geophysics |
Caue Borlina | caue [at] mit [dot] edu | Planetary Science |
Henri Drake | hdrake [at] mit [dot] edu | Physical Oceanography |
Aarti Dwivedi | adwivedi [at] mit [dot] edu | Geophysics |
Tajana Erjavec | erjavec [at] mit [dot] edu | Planetary Science |
Samuel Goldberg | sgoldber [at] mit [dot] edu | Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology |
Jennifer Kenyon | jkenyon [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography |
Ziwei Li | ziweili [at] mit [dot] edu | Atmospheric Science |
Margaret Lindeman | marulin [at] mit [dot] edu | Physical Oceanography (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Sheron Luk | sheronyl [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Clara Maurel | cmaurel [at] mit [dot] edu | Planetary Science |
Craig McLean | crmclean [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Julia Middleton | jemiddle [at] mit [dot] edu | Marine Geology & Geophysics (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Astrid Pacini | apacini [at] mit [dot] edu | Physical Oceanography (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Rose Palermo | rpalermo [at] mit [dot] edu | Marine Geology & Geophysics (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Mallory Ringham | mcringha [at] mit [dot] edu | Chemical Oceanography (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Raphael Rousseau-Rizzi | rrizzi [at] mit [dot] edu | Atmospheric Science |
Paris Smalls | smallspt [at] mit [dot] edu | Marine Geology & Geophysics (MIT-WHOI JP) |
Jeehyun Yang | jeehyun [at] mit [dot] edu | Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology |
Elezhan Zhakiya | ezhakiya [at] mit [dot] edu | Geophysics |