PAOC Spotlights

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Tue September 6th, 2016
Education Office

MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences welcomes 26 new graduate students.

New PAOC graduate students and Prof. Paul O'Gorman (Photo: Helen Hill)


Three students join the Program in Geophysics, 13 join the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, four join the Program in Geology, Geochemistry and Geobiology, and three join the Program in Planetary Sciences.

Twelve new MIT-WHOI Joint Program students joined programs in EAPS. Of those, six are Chemical Oceanographers, three are MGGers (Marine Geology and Geochemistry), and three are Physical Oceanographers. 

To Tristan, Marianne, Lydia, Patrick, Santiago, Makayla, Ekaterina, Caue, Henri, Aarti, Tajana, Samuel, Jennifer, Ziwei, Margaret, Sheron, Clara, Craig, Julia, Astrid, Rose, Mallory, Raphael, Paris, Jeehyun Welcome to EAPS! and to Elezhan: Welcome back! 

Tristan Abbott

thabbott [at] mit [dot] edu

Atmospheric Science

Marianne Acker

ackerm [at] mit [dot] edu

Chemical Oceanography

Lydia Babcock-Adams

lydiaba [at] mit [dot] edu

Chemical Oceanography

Patrick Beaudrypbeaudry [at] mit [dot] edu

Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology

Santiago Benavidessantib [at] mit [dot] edu

Atmospheric Science

Makayla Bettsmnbetts [at] mit [dot] edu

Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology

Ekaterina Bolotskayabolee [at] mit [dot] edu


Caue Borlinacaue [at] mit [dot] edu

Planetary Science

Henri Drakehdrake [at] mit [dot] edu

Physical Oceanography

Aarti Dwivediadwivedi [at] mit [dot] edu


Tajana Erjavecerjavec [at] mit [dot] edu

Planetary Science

Samuel Goldbergsgoldber [at] mit [dot] edu

Geology, Geochemistry & Geobiology

Jennifer Kenyonjkenyon [at] mit [dot] edu

Chemical Oceanography

Ziwei Liziweili [at] mit [dot] eduAtmospheric Science
Margaret Lindemanmarulin [at] mit [dot] eduPhysical Oceanography
Sheron Luksheronyl [at] mit [dot] eduChemical Oceanography
Clara Maurelcmaurel [at] mit [dot] eduPlanetary Science
Craig McLeancrmclean [at] mit [dot] eduChemical Oceanography
Julia Middletonjemiddle [at] mit [dot] eduMarine Geology & Geophysics
Astrid Paciniapacini [at] mit [dot] eduPhysical Oceanography
Rose Palermorpalermo [at] mit [dot] eduMarine Geology & Geophysics
Mallory Ringhammcringha [at] mit [dot] eduChemical Oceanography
Raphael Rousseau-Rizzirrizzi [at] mit [dot] eduAtmospheric Science
Paris Smallssmallspt [at] mit [dot] eduMarine Geology & Geophysics
Jeehyun Yangjeehyun [at] mit [dot] eduGeology, Geochemistry & Geobiology
Elezhan Zhakiyaezhakiya [at] mit [dot] eduGeophysics