A Century of Progress in Atmospheric and Related Sciences: Celebrating the American Meteorological Society Centennial marks 100 years of scientific research in the areas covered by American Meteorological Society (AMS) publications. The monograph -- a thematic collection of peer-reviewed, original papers, survey articles, and other materials in meteorology and closely related fields -- contains 26 chapters, which together review 100 years of progress in key fundamental areas of research and the grand challenges in those areas of research in the coming decades. And MIT EAPS researchers were were there to drive progress and today are helping to set the fast pace of discovery.
Highlights: "100 Years of Ocean General Circulation" by Carl Wunsch and Raffaele Ferrari and "100 Years of Progress in Tropical Cyclone Research" by Kerry Emanuel, as well as contributions from MIT alumni.
Individual monograph chapters can be read online as they are completed, while a bound version of all chapters will be published in 2020 as part of AMS's Centennial celebration.
Story Image Credit: Kevin Spencer/flickr, CC BY-NC