What better way to see out the end of term than a trip out West for the American Meteorological Society's 18th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 13-17 June 2011, Spokane, WA. Nine of our members, including 6 graduate students, 2 postdocs and one member of faculty gave a variety of oceanographic and atmospheric presentations.
In the oceanic fluid dynamics section, student Cimarron Wortham (CP&C, advisor Carl Wunsch) gave a talk about his work to develop A multi-dimensional spectral description of ocean variability while student Ryan Abernathey (CP&C, advisor John Marshall) and postdoc. Andreas Klocker (advisor Raffael Ferrari) each gave talks about mixing in the ACC. Ryan's talk was The link between isopycnal mixing and meridional overturning in a channel model of the ACC while Andreas's was simply titled Estimating eddy diffusivities in the Southern Ocean. Also with relevance to Southern Ocean dynamics, student Malte Jansen (CP&C, advisor Raffaele Ferrari) spoke on the subject of Macroturbulent equilibration in a thermally forced primitive equation system.
In the atmospheric fluid dynamics section the O'Gorman group were present in force, student Michael Byrne (AS,, advisor Paul O'Gorman) speaking about Investigating the land-sea surface warming contrast in simulations of climate change with an idealized GCM while student Martin Singh (AS., also advised by O'Gorman) gave a presentation The response of the general circulation to climate change as a vertical rescaling. Prof. Paul O'Gorman, himself, presented work concerning A new effective static stability for eddies in a moist atmosphere, Student Daniela Domeisen (AS, advisor Alan Plumb) gave a talk entitled Stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the lead-up to stratospheric sudden warmings. Finally, Postdoc. Da Zhu (advisor Glenn Flierl) reported an Investigation of vertically sheared flow in turbulent convection. Click on the talk titles to access abstracts in each case.