Two new Earth-sized exoplanets discovered

Two new Earth-sized exoplanets discovered

Wed December 21st, 2011
Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office

Two new exoplanets, Kepler 20e and 20f, are part of a five-planet system orbiting a sun-like star, similar to the artist’s rendering above. Researchers have found the new planets are likely scorching hot, circling their star at a much closer distance than Mercury orbits the Sun - Image: Tim Pyle/NASAHunting for habitable worlds, NASA’s Kepler space telescope has unveiled two new planets, some 950 light-years away, that are the smallest yet detected, and the closest in size to Earth. In a paper published this week in Nature, scientists from MIT and elsewhere, among them PAOC's Sara Seager, report that the planets — one just about Earth’s size, and the other a bit smaller — likely have rocky compositions, similar to Earth, and orbit a star much like the sun. But that’s where the similarities end. 

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