Ocean State Estimation
A major goal of oceanography is to combine all of the theoretical understanding we have about how a global fluid behaves with all of the observations pertaining to it. For anyone trying to understand climate, that means using the best ocean general circulation models, the best models of sea ice—which has a major high latitude influence on the ocean, and the best available estimates of the interacting meteorological fields.

Centers & Initiatives
The Climate Modeling Initiative is an open-source collaborative based at MIT which has developed a modeling infrastructure for the study of the atmosphere, ocean and climate of the Earth.
Understanding the ways in which the ocean interacts with the remainder of the climate system is one of the most interesting and challenging of scientific problems.
Paola Rizzoli's Group is currently working on modelling tropical ocean behaviour and data assimilation in the Singapore Strait, as well as regional climate simulations connecting the regional model of the Maritime Continent to the Integrated Global S...
Chris Hill's work centers on how digital computing technology in its broadest sense applies to Earth science and especially the ocean.
The overarching theme of our research rests on the recognition that many elements of the present climate remain poorly sampled by observations, preventing a quantitative mechanistic understanding of climate variability and change over the past decade...