Gael Forget

Gael Forget Research Scientist 617 452 2977 54-1422
PhD, Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans, Ifremer, Brest, France, 2005
Bio and Interests
I work as a reseach scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where I investigate oceanography and climate. As part of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, my work focuses on ocean modeling and the analysis of global ocean data sets such as Argo profile collections and satellite altimetry. Amongst other approaches, I carry out ocean state estimation using the MIT general circulation model to interpolate and interpret ocean observations. I also participate in the development of the MITgcm and in the NASA Sea Level Change Team activities. My scientific interests include: Ocean circulation and Climate variability; tracer transport and turbulent transformation processes; interaction of bio-geochemistry and physical processes; global cycles of heat, water, and carbon; observational statistics; forward and inverse modeling.
Affiliated Faculty