Thomas Evans

Thomas Evans Postdoctoral Associate E25-610
Bio and Interests
Thomas William Evans joins the Summons Group as a postdoc having defended his doctoral dissertation "Tracing the effect of nutrient and carbon supply on the biosynthesis and composition of lipids from marine microbes” in November 2017. Evans is an organic geochemist interested in microbial communities and more specifically the physiologic protection mechanisms of marine Archaea that allow them to thrive in, for example, energy limited marine environments. Over the course of his PhD, Evans was involved in the set-up of a new radioisotope laboratory, subsequently going on to perform 14C incubation experiments with cultured isolates, water column and sediment samples to investigate carbon utilization, metabolic rates and lipid biosynthesis of planktonic and benthic Archaea. As part of his PhD research, he also developed a number of novel analytical methods to detect the 14C-incorporation on a lipid specific level. Evans comes to EAPS from the organic geochemistry group at the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), University of Bremen, Germany, where his PhD advisor was Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs.
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