Camila Serra Pompei

Camila Serra Pompei CGCS/EAPS Postdoctoral Fellow Currently remote
Research Description
Camila Serra Pompei is a marine ecologist developing mechanistic models of plankton communities. She is interested in how plankton community composition drives marine food webs and global biogeochemical cycles. Camila came to MIT with a postdoc fellowship from the Simons Foundation. During her postdoc, Camila will investigate the drivers of zooplankton biogeography and its influence on phytoplankton dynamics and community composition. To do so, she will implement several zooplankton functional groups in the MITgcm biogeochemistry and ecosystem model.   Camila received a BS degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2014), and an MSc in Aquatic Sciences and Technology (2017) and her doctoral degree (2020) from the Technical University of Denmark.   
Serra-Pompei, C., Soudijn, F., Visser, A. W., Kiørboe, T., & Andersen, K. H. (2020). A general size-and trait-based model of plankton communities. Progress in Oceanography, 189, 102473. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102473

Queiroz, L. D. S., Rossi, S., Mercander, A. T., Serra-Pompei, C., Pifarré, D. V., Domínguez, J. C., ... & Meireles, A. J. D. A. (2020). The social and economic framework of artisanal fishing in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Geosaberes 11:180–198. doi: 10.26895/geosaberes.v11i0.871.

​Serra‐Pompei, C., Hagstrom, G. I., Visser, A. W., & Andersen, K. H. (2019). Resource limitation determines temperature response of unicellular plankton communities. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.11140